Our Entrance/ Hallway deserve a stylish decoration. Some people have beautiful built-in house with an awkward hall and hallway that is not decorated/ maintained properly. Like any other room of the home entrance/the hallway you hit when you walk through the door it may be a hidden nook or a staircase landing, it is important not to waste the space and it can be streamlined with hallway furniture.
Whether Hallway is too long, too narrow or it opens directly to a doorway, many tend to under or overestimate while decorating it. The Entrance/Hallways or corridors in our home are supposed to deliver people to our home, therefore do not overcrowd it like a tunnel.
If your hallway is entrance of your home or it leads directly into another room, be careful not to overcrowd the walkway. You can adopt a few ways while designing your hallways, according to your idea, to provide a good source of positive energy.
Small Lamp/ Flower Vase
A small lamp placed in the center of your hallway or flower vase are many good source to welcoming energy to your home.
If your hallway has limited space consider using hangings/fixtures/decorative mirrors/artworks hung on the wall, rather projecting out from walk area. This way we can avoid overcrowding of the corridor/hallway.
Convex Mirror
Place a convex mirror on the outer wall of entrance facing outwards for protection from negative energy.
Mirror at the Main entrance prohibited
A mirror facing the main door is one of the major hindrances to home and is strictly prohibited. The reason is, that mirror facing the main door pushes away all the good energy which is about to enter the house.
- North or the East direction is considered having the flow of positive energy, so mirror should not be placed facing on this direction as they reflect back the positive energy. In addition, mirror on the South make children’s more stubborn and arrogant.
- If the mirror in the hall which does not face the door, it is said to bring good positive energy into the house and absorb the negative energy. However, make sure that it is placed in a proper direction as per Vastu principles.
- Mirror should be not be placed opposite/facing each other; they would promote restlessness for the family members.
- Do not place a mirror in bedroom which reflects any body part while sleeping or you can cover it during night time.
- If you have already placed a mirror facing the entrance and which cannot be altered, then as a remedy you could decorate it with some decorative glass paints or appliques to weaken its reflections.
- Make sure you do not keep damaged or broken mirror in any part of the house.
Buddha at the Main Entrance
- Many people place Buddha’s statue etc, for decorating their home and in market, we find many forms of Buddha. Many do not know the precautions to be taken before selecting and placing Buddha statue at home.
- Buddha facing the front door is considered to keep the negative energies out of home. Buddha has power to nullify the negative impacts at the house.
- Buddha statue should not be kept on the floor; it should be respected and kept in the raised platform or in the table.
- Buddha should be kept clean and tidy and should be respected based on the religious principles as we respect our God.
- To enhance its vibrancy, Buddha statue can be kept towards East facing sunrise, if possible.
- Sleeping Buddha or reclining Buddha depicts the transition from the suffering to enlightenment of life which characterize the cycle of rebirth and has to face West direction because Buddha lay to face death/’nirvana’ and reclining towards right, facing west with head supported by his hand.
Ganesha at the Main Entrance
Those who wish to place Ganesha picture at the main entrance door should always place them back to back to ward-off poverty (‘Daridrataa’).
Water with Flowers
Water denotes wealth and so water element should flow inwards as it depicts that wealth also flow towards you. Bowl filled with water, flowers or lemon kept facing the main door is considered auspicious. Make sure to change the water regularly.
Bowl filled with Sea Salts
Salt is considered a symbol of purification. It is also a popular mineral used to cleanse and purify homes filled with negative energy. Sea salt is commonly used to get rid of negative energy and to allow balanced flow of energy inside the home. The sea salt is either used alone or mixed with water and placed in certain areas of the home. A bowl filled with sea salt facing the North-East and South-West directions in an open and has to be periodically changed. Epsom salt is a salt that cleanses them and the environment. It is a best way to get rid of stressful feelings and negative energy from home. Rock salt is an easily available salt. A bowl half-filled with rock salt and water and can be kept on the hall. Whenever a large amount of granules of salt appear to build on the edges of the bowl, it denotes the presence of negative energy at home.
Some other articles for a welcoming Hallway are:
- Placing Dog statues facing outside can guard your entrance from evil eyes, spirits and also preserve your prosperity.
- Place a Fish Aquarium inside the house on the North/South-East or South-West corner of your hallway, which is a major source to attract peace and prosperity at home. Always follow Vastu guidelines for the selection of the proper direction to place the fish aquarium.
- Do not place the image of a Woman/Phoenix statue next to the right side of your front door. This might be inviting another woman to your household.
- Hindu religion believers should never place ‘Devi Maha Laxmi’ idol/statue/picture facing outwards as it is considered outflow of wealth from home.
- Always show ‘Agarbathis’ and ‘Dhoop’ sticks on the corners of entrance to remove and eliminate negativity stuck on the corners.