Divine Vastu Tips to Bring in Positive Energy inside Your Home
July 24, 2014The Triple-Filter Test for Gossips
September 9, 2014
This article is not advocating that Vastu is an alternative to taking the usual precautionary measures against robberies and thefts. You’d still need to lock your house or workplace when you are away, set up alarms, install cameras, place guards at the gate, and take other such steps.
Vastu does not have a set formula for making a house theft-proof, but it is because the remedies are subjective and work on case-to-case basis. A robbery or theft just does not happen on its own. A lot of groundwork goes into it; robbers select the intended target or workplace, survey it thoroughly, get insider information by making someone work there, and find out the daily routine of the occupants. This may take weeks or months. Having done this, the robbers wait for the right moment to strike. If you can somehow make your house or workplace less appealing to potential robbers, you’d succeed in preventing them from zeroing in on your premises in the first place and avert burglaries. This is where Vastu fits in.
Houses or properties which don’t conform to Vastu norms are sometimes prone to situations like theft/burglaries etc. Main door including other doors of house signifies and signals about your belongings being stolen/robbed off in future. Home owners must take special care of different door locations, size and number of doors which are a matter of concern in every house and they should be given proper attention in order to make such dwellings safe.
Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science emphasis on balancing the energy forces that move around in our houses at large. Vastu Shastra has clearly drafted guidelines as listed in ancient Indian epics and ‘Vedas’ regarding various situations. Any building or house which is not constructed as per Vastu compliance or has an obvious defect as per Vastu Shastra principles can bring bad luck, bad health and even theft hurting the house owners and its residents. There are various Vastu principles that require simple changes to the design and can ensure a safe home for intruders and unwanted theft. Vastu elucidates some basic principles pertaining to home door placement, size and number to safeguard properties from such risks.
You can’t stop the robberies all the ways from taking place, but the there are enough Vastu remedies available for setting right most of the construction anomalies. Let us take a look at some of the Vastu guidelines that can help us safeguard our homes and offices, which are as follows:
- Shape of the plot: There are certain plot shapes that make the occupants suffer losses. Avoid living in triangular, elliptical, bow- shaped, winnow- shaped, fan- shaped or semi- circular plots.
- Elevations and depressions: The moment the North-East corner of the house becomes higher than the South-West end, the security of the house is compromised. So, avoid building an extra room on the North-East quadrant of the terrace. Also, never place overhead water tanks and so on in this direction.
- Water Bodies: Rivers, lakes, ponds, tanks, pools, and so on should never lie towards the South of the house, as they increase the chances of thieves/robbers gaining access.
- Drainage: The drains and pipes should be laid in a way that the waste water should get released to the North- East. This keeps the positivity of the house intact.
- Extensions: Who doesn’t require an extra room? But it is important to ensure that the extension is in the right direction. Avoid extensions towards the South-East, South-West or North-West as they generally result in losses, amongst other ills.
- Do not place your valuables and cash in North-West corner as it enhance chances of theft/robbery. If you have a safe or a locker located in the North West corner of your house, it is time to change the direction of the safe or locker immediately. North western direction as per Vastu principles enhances the chances of a theft/robbery. Remove valuable items from the North West corner, thereby reduces the chances of theft considerably.
- Main gate: It must never be located in the southern or western boundary wall of the house, for it leads to insecurity and loss.
- Main entrance: The house with roads to the North, South and East should not have their main entrance either in the North or South, as it results in loss of wealth.
- Boundary wall: Ensure the boundary of the house, if existing, is a wall and not a hedge or fence. This keeps the positive energy inside and prevents negative influences from entering.
- Garden: Whether you’ve one or you do not, grow a ‘Tulsi’ (Ocimum sanctum/ holy basil) plant in your compound or verandah. It helps ward off evil.
- The main door/entrance door of the house and subsequent doors of the house have a lot of importance in Vastu. For a positive effect, the entrance door of the house must always be bigger than other doors of the house as a rule.
- The main door may preferably have two opening shutters.
- Single doors for small houses are allowed only if they are not located in the eastern or northern direction. Single door in the south is also considered inauspicious for home safety.
- Total number of doors should be ineven numbers such as 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 but avoid ten doors because having ten doors is inauspicious.
- Doors should not be in single straight line. The door serving as the entry or exit point to the house may preferably possess a threshold. This enhances the security of the house. But the other doors inside the house can be without thresholds.
- Make sure there are no obstructions near the front/main entrance.
- Avoid slanted, circular or sliding gate.
- Windows: There should be less number of windows to the South-West and more to the North-East. This balances the positive and negative energies, making the house secure.
- Bedroom: The location of the rooms plays a significant role in preventing untoward incidents in the house. Always place the master bedroom in the South-West.
- Room for valuables: The room where valuables are to be kept must always be to the North, for ‘Kuber’, the Lord of Wealth, governs this direction. Ensure that the doors of your cupboards/closets or vault open towards the North.
- ‘Puja’/Prayer room: The location of the puja room or corner must always be in the North-East. This infuses positivity and drives away negativity from the house.
- Do not hang anynegative or evil pictures in the house which signifies destruction, disease, death, violence, war etc. surrounding the entrance door or main door is also believed to attract negativity and possible forces of theft to one’s house.
- Keeping positive pictures like that of Lord ‘Ganesha’ or Goddess ‘Laxmi’ seated on Lotus flower on the other hand keep the house safe from all negative forces and theft.
- Avoid keeping ‘Ganesha’ idol near the outside door in such a way that when you enter you see ‘Ganesha’ idol. Instead, keep it inside so that when you move out of the main door you encounter ‘Ganesha’ idol.
- Keep pictures or decorative pieces of sacred symbols like ‘Om’, ‘Swastika’, ‘Laxmi’, and ‘Ganesha’ or any other picture as per your religious beliefs.
- Servant Room: It has been assessed that a high percentage of robberies and thefts are committed by servants of the house. If you have a servant room in your house, make sure that they are not residing in the South-West corner of the house. As per Vastu, properties or house with servant residence in South-West corners are more prone for theft by servants than outsiders. Changing the direction of the servant room or shifting the servant room to a different direction can offset the negative vibes of a possible home theft by servants. Domestic help, according to Vastu, must never be accommodated in the South-West quadrant, for it belongs to the master of the house. The ideal location for them is in the North and North-West.